Monday, January 23, 2012

Reflections on Christmas 2

Leave the light(s) on!!! For me one of the most beautiful sights during the Christmas season here is the Christmas lights! Whether just a few or 56000 put to music or Disney or Chickasha OK or Chesapeake OKC (some of the beautiful light displays I have seen) or even my home seen shown below; the lights are beautiful in the darkness. It is my belief that people put up lights for one of 2 reasons: believers/disciples want to let the world know that the love of Jesus shines at their house, non believers hope that God will see their lights shining and come to them to light the darkness in their lives through the gift of Jesus. So how is it that most churches put beautiful lights in the sanctuary (for the members pleasure) but none outside, the buildings remain in darkness all through the season??? There is so much darkness in people's hearts, Christmas is the time to turn on the light of Jesus in your heart as you turn on lights in the darkness - so "people in darkness will see a great light"-in you!! And remember, when you take down the lights, leave the light of Jesus burning brightly in your heart, and leave a candle burning to remind you!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reflections on Christmas

Lessons of Christmas #1. Every year during Advent/Christmas churches are filled with beautiful Poinsettias placed by members in memory/honor of family/friends. After the last service Christmas Eve, people are invited to take their Poinsettias home. Many leave them there. So over the years I have taken many home and planted them, rather than let them die. Online advice suggests water/fertiliser/darkness to assist growth and turning red. I had little or no success, but I kept planting. This year, oh the joy! (see photo from our garden). The lesson, keep planting, water/fertilise/weed till you get the right conditions; but do not leave them in the church!! The same applies to Jesus, God's beautiful life giving gift at Christmas. Do not leave this gift in church but plant him in your heart and take him with you and encourage his love to grow so others may also receive the gift!