Monday, March 2, 2009

Advent to Lent to Life!

It's been while since I blogged, my apologies. Christmas, vacation, illness all took their toll on my time; and now here I am, entering the season of Lent. Not only that, but also deep into preparation for the 100th anniversary of the church I am serving.

Busy is somewhat of an understatement, but it is what I call 'good' busy. Lots of energy, lots of sweat, lots of excitement and anticipation - what does God have in store for his church as we start the next 100 years? Not just this church, but the whole church in America! It seems to me very apt that this special anniversary falls at the start of the Lenten season - for here we find the answer to the question I just posed!

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, christians are invited and encouraged to embark on a pilgrimage that leads to the cross, the empty tomb and new life for God's children. I read some about pilgrimage; it is a journey of discovery that involves deepening our faith, renewing our commitment, seeking a blessing and growing in our relationship with God. We do this by answering two questions: am I loved? Can I love others? These questions are answered uneqivically in the events of Easter! God loves me so much that Jesus died to restore my relationship with him. Therefore, with this love in my heart, I can freely and openly offer Jesus' love to others.

During our anniversary celebrations, we will enjoy food, fellowship, fotos and fun; but we will also bring thanks to God for the gift of new life and the privilege to serve him by sharing the love with others.

The journey through Lent takes us outside our comfort zone, but it is well worth the risk! May you receive new blessing and the annointing oif God's spirit this Easter.


Pastor Greg