Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Choices of Lent - Choosing Community Over Isolation

One of the most dangerous trends in our modern society (in my opinion), is the extreme individualism that has largely separated us from each other. For example, if you see 4 teens together today (or adults for that matter), they are not talking to each other; each has their cell phone out text messaging a faceless person somewhere else, and the same is true for our whole society. More than once I have observed a couple at a restaurant for a meal who spend the entire meal on their cell phones to other people! Email, IM's, voicemail, the whole bit. I know people who purposely call someone when they know they will not be there so they can leave a voice message rather than actually speak to them! And the automated voices directing us through an automated maze that too often does not include the option of actually talking to someone, not fun! Fewer and fewer people make real contact with other people any more, and we miss it and are lonely without it. And the on-line dating thing may have a place but not as the main or only way to meet people! Sadly, I have to say, this isolation is happening in many churches!

The very foundation of life is a network of meaningful one-on-one growing, personal, intimate relationships; husband and wife, parent and child, student and teacher, friend with friend, even employer and employee (wouldn't that be great!)

Of course, nowhere is community more crucial than in the church, the Body of Christ; because the essence of the Christian faith is a personal intimate conversation in which one person is sharing with another the love of Jesus who is life, and how it has enriched their own life. Because Jesus is life, forgiven, renewed, abundant, joyful life! You may want to pause here and read Ephesians 2:19-22 in the bible, but come straight back! The season of Lent is about journeying to the cross and beyond to the resurrection of Jesus, in order to find that life.

The church is called into existence to be the Body of Christ, a welcoming, meaningful, accepting, joyful, inspirational community. That's my choice, I pray it is yours.

If it is, find such a church and become part of the community, and take a friend with you! Or you may need to help your own church rediscover the joy of true community.

I look forward to your response and ideas.

Shalom, Pastor Greg

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