Thursday, September 25, 2008

Choose Well to do Well

Catchy phrase! In a world where we are bombarded by 'catchy phrases', let me throw this one into the pot. The goal of course is to draw your attention to whatever is being promoted, sold or written about. They are prevalent in political campaigns; advertising for products, TV shows and movies; lifestyle choices and much more. My catch phrase is all about priorities, choosing them carefully and wisely and then sticking to them.

There is of course much heated debate and discussion at the moment about the priorities of government in America - what should be addressed most urgently and by whom. I regularly pray for wisdom, courage and the empowering of God's spirit for all leaders in this country.

Recently I attended a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) ministers retreat where 300 ministers fervently prayed and sought God's guidance in setting priorities that will help the church to become a more effective ministry presence in our communities. Even more recently I attended the Centennial Regional Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Florida, in Orlando. The emphasis was again setting priorities that will guide and inspire the church to more powerful mission and witness in Florida. Both events had moments of inspiration and moments of struggle for these are urgent and difficult times and to be a witnessing church is high priority.

However (ah yes, the big 'however'!) setting our priorities is but the first half of the adventure! The true adventure and inspiration is in our efforts to maintain them! Evidence the huge lack of success of most New Years resolutions! Or those who continually complain that there are 'just not enough hours in the day!' Well, I did some in depth research on this and found that there ars still 168 hours in every week, plenty of time to get done what we need to do; provided our priorities are well chosen and our commitment to them is also a priority! It has been said by many that a good way to discover the priorities by which you are living is to study closely your diary and your checkbook. How and where do you spend your money and your time?

This is for me a daunting task, balancing preacher, husband, father and friend (not to mention a Brisbane Lions fan!) What I want to say is that I whole heartedly and faithfully agree with Joshua who stated as his #1 priority in life: "As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord!" And do you know, when I do this, life is good!

Pastor Greg

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is of course much heated debate and discussion at the moment about the priorities of government in America