Monday, December 8, 2008

Advertising Ignorance

Advertising Our Ignorance!

I am writing this from deep in the middle of Advent, a season I both love and need, because it heralds the coming of Christmas and the birth of Jesus was the best thing, ever! Of course, not everyone agrees with me! (who'd've thought!) One of the first aberrations I read about was the British humanists campaign to advertise on the sides of buses their philosophy: 'there is no God, just be good for goodness sake!' and 'there probably is no God, now stop worrying and enjoy your life'. How very sad! Many years ago I remember a conversation with a wise mentor about the outrageous claims being made by those wanting to outlaw the creation story in school curriculums. To me, a scientist (then, pre minister!), their claims seemed unfounded and almost nonsensical. I asked what was their source, he replied, 'the problem is, too many people, when they open their mouths, do nothing but advertise their ignorance!' Too often, opinionated people don't spout opinions based on fact, rather they describe life as they would like it to be! And God is often the target of their diatribes!

Now, after 30 years as a minister, I think it is still true! I read fairly widely about a lot of things, but I don't offer public opinions because I am not understanding enough. However, when it comes to the God question, I have read, prayed and studied widely, (for example: Colson and Pearcy: 'How Now Shall We Live?'; Pearcey: 'Total Truth'; Strobel 'The Case for a Creator' and McDowell 'New Evidence That Demands a Verdict'.), and I do have some convictions. The biblical worldview and life-instruction is the only one that ultimately makes total sense. The God of creation and love is the only place where unconditional love is found, giving joy and hope to those who are bold enough to accept it, and live it! The God of Christian faith did not remain a distant mysterious figure from his creation, rather he became visible and intimate with his creation through the person of his son. Jesus is "Emmanuel", 'God with us' - not God near us, or God over us, or God apart from us. Only in this way could the depth and joy of love be truly shown and known.

What seems to bother people is that when we receive God's love through a relationship with Jesus, there is a call on our lives to share the love with others! This requires that we live not just for our own selfish pleasure but for the good of others, also. My absolute conviction, borne out by my observation of life around me, is that the more we try to prove we do not need God to live, the more we prove we do!

So, I will put up my Christmas lights to show that God's love resides in my house and to invite others to find it; I will wish you a Merry and Blessed Christmas and not Happy Holidays; and I will sing Joy to the World the Lord Has Come and especially my two favorite Christmas songs 'O Holy Night' (the majesty of God's love) and 'The Drummer Boy' (the joy of sharing God's love).
My bus sign would be 'Grab a bible, read John 3:16, it's true!'

Pastor Greg

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